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[FUND LETTER] Rewey Asset Management

Added to YB: 2024-01-24

Pitch date: 2024-01-24

ARIS [bullish]

Aris Water Solutions, Inc.


current return

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Company Info

Aris Water Solutions, Inc., an environmental infrastructure and solutions company, provides water handling and recycling solutions.

Market Cap


Pitch Price


Price Target

12.00 (-25%)




Commercial Services and Supplies



Rewey Asset Management holding: ARIS Water Solutions ($ARIS)

$ARIS: Water solutions for Permian Basin O&G at $484M mkt cap, 33% below IPO. Essential services, high barriers to entry, strong financials (2.3x debt/EBITDA,$24M cash), resilient biz w/ cost cuts & ESG appeal. 6.4x 2023 EBITDA w/ 4.3% div, $12 tgt=43% upside ex-ESG.

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